Darren Cranmer
An immense welcome to my artist newsletter!
I’m a British/Guernsey artist creating semi-abstract serene landscape and anthropology-inspired figurative paintings. Ultimately, a constant throughout all my artistic expression is my innate intrigue with the complex inter-linkage and equilibrium of the many and the one, the environment and the organism, the dune and the grain.
I want a better way to connect and share with people who like or collect my art.
By subscribing to my newsletter, you'll be the first to know about my latest available paintings and offers, as well as glimpses into my studio and creative process. I will also be sharing insights into my inspirations and influences, and any events or exhibitions that you might be interested in attending. There is opportunity for you to comment and engage with my newsletter too.
It will be a simple and succinct little update from me to you that won’t instantly disappear into some algorithmic black hole! You won’t have to worry about missing anything. Every new edition of my newsletter goes directly to your email inbox.
Darren’s delights, deals and discoveries delectably delivered to you directly!